About JOF

The Birth of JoF

A company projected to start when Joshuaa turned 30, took off when he was 23! JoF had been his dream from the mere age of 19.

Did you know? JOF became a reality over a span of 24 hours!

From there, JoF grew to become an inspiring business success story for many!

Who is Joshuaa?

Having grown up in a boarding school, Joshuaa led a disciplined life from the start. He has always been an active athlete and has enjoyed playing sports. He believes that good health helps individuals give their best to every task they take up and succeed in all aspects of their lives.

To him, ‘fittness’ is all about performance. The better you perform, the better your fitness levels are. A combination of performance-oriented nutrition and performance-oriented training you begin to lead an extremely active lifestyle and your body begins to function like that of an athlete.

Process of work

Start your Fittness journey today!


Once you’ve decided to begin your Fittness journey, we’ll give you a call and ask a few questions to understand your case better and chalk out your needs and wants.


We’d then want to meet you! The next step includes a detailed consultation where we record your body vitals, run a couple of physical tests and click your ‘before’ shots.


You’re ready to begin a journey to a healthier you! Be it in-person training or virtual sessions, we have your back throughout the programme.


JoF aims to revolutionize the health game and make sure that no one’s health complication stands in front of their optimum performance. JoF also foresees proper training of every aspiring athlete and make each one of them ready for the Olympics!

Here’s to a ‘fitt-er’ India!